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19 octobre 2024 - 17h00

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VERYSHOW presents


Caleb Shomo transposed the pain of his struggle with mental health and self-image into music for the first time in 2013. Beartooth began as a living document, a diary of repressed rage and depression.

Alone in his basement studio, screaming and singing, playing all the instruments, he also self-produced a raging but melodic batch of songs full of reflection and confession. The Ohio native was staring into the abyss, with no initial intention of returning to the heavy scene that burned him as a teenager.

A decade later, the various pieces of his oeuvre now connect in title, sound and spirit.

As the frontman turns 30, Beartooth's fifth album, The Surface, brings that era to a close. It also opens a new chapter full of optimism and honesty. Depression is an atrocious and aggressive disease that lurks beneath the surface.

Caleb is ready to embrace the light. Like Nine Inch Nails, Beartooth remains a one-man studio band. Following on from debut EP Sick (2013), Disgusting (2014) produced Beartooth's first Gold single, 'In Between'. Aggressive (2016) and Disease (2018) spoke of despair and pain, each approaching a balance between the blood and tears of classic recordings and the shimmer of modernity.

Rolling Stone featured Beartooth in its 10 Artists You Need to Know. The reaction to Caleb's music showed a large community coming together in their struggle for self-acceptance. "Below" (2021) topped the Rock and Alternative charts as well as several lists of the best rock/metal albums of the year. By 2023, Beartooth's catalogue had reached over a billion listens worldwide. Beartooth began as a bomb and a balm, a refusal to suffer in silence, delivering raw emotion mixed with noise-rock chaos. Other bands play the game of "devastating riffs and catchy choruses", but this music is the difference between life and death. Forbes sees them "approaching a point where they're going to be the next big thing".